Archive / Papers / Lorimer Papers: Box 3


Envelope 1:

  1. A typescript copy of a memoir entitled “Exit from Burma” written by Mr Lorimer in 1942 originally for the Eastern Army. 70 ff.

Envelope 2:

  1. Copy of letter from Edgar Jennings, District Superintendent of Police, Thaton, Camp Mandalay to Assistant Inspector General of Police, Burma. n.d. 5 ff.
  2. “Burma Exodus” January-June 1942. Compiled from a diary and notebook kept by H.P. West, a member of Steel Brothers staff. 15 ff.
  3. Note on Tamu route into India by E.S. Pinfold dated Lanywa 29 November, 1942. 2 ff.
  4. Part of The Illustrated Weekly of India 21 June, 1942. 6 ff. Includes a long article on the flight from Burma.