Archive / Papers / Vernede Papers: Box 5


A.H. Vernède ICS and R.V. Vernède ICS

Given by R.V. Vernède

Bengal, Bihar and Orissa 1896 -1920, U.P. 1928-1947

Arthur Henry Vernède arrived in India in 1896 to take up his first appointment in Bengal where he served until 1912 when he was transferred to Bihar and Orissa. He retired from India in 1920. A summary of his postings and home leaves during that career is included in Box 1, Folder 1

Raymond Veveysan Vernède, son of A.H. Vernède, arrived in India to take up his appointment in the U.P. where he spent his entire service. 1928-1947.

  1. Copies of Onlooker Nov., Dec. 1939; Jan. Feb. May June July Sept. 1940; Jan. 1941.
  2. Copies of Times of India Annual for 1927, 1928, 1932, 1933, 1936.
  3. India’s Pictorial Magazine for Jan. 20 1928
  4. India Christmas Number, 1930; Dec. 1935
  5. The Madras Mail Annual one copy, undated