Archive / Papers / Spear Papers: Box 30


Bequeathed by Dr (Thomas George) Percival Spear. Lecturer, St Stephen’s College, Delhi 1924-40; various posts in Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, Government of India 1940-45; Bursar, Selwyn College, Cambridge 1945-70; Lecturer in History, Cambridge University 1963-69.

The contents of this box were previously listed as Box 31.

  1. 2 reprints ‘Babur’ by Spear, from the fifteenth edition of Encyclopaedia Britannica, 1974.
  2. 11 copies ‘Aurangzeb’ by Spear, from the fifteenth edition of Encyclopaedia Britannica, 1974.
  3. 2 copies ‘From Colonial to Sovereign Status – Some Problems of Transition with Special Reference to India’ by Spear, 1958.
  4. 5 copies of reprint from ‘The Far East and Australasia, 1970’, “History (Of India)” by Spear.
  5. Part 22 of ‘History of the English-Speaking Peoples, by Sir Winston Churchill – The Black Death’.
  6. Bengal, Past and Present, July – December, 1970, including article by Spear, ‘The Early Days of Bishop’s College, Calcutta’.
  7. 50 copies of reprint ‘ Bahadur Shah I & II’ by Spear.
  8. Reprint of ‘Britain’s Transfer of Power in India: Review Article’ by Spear.
  9. Journal of the Panjab University Historical Society, April, 1935, including article ‘The Grounds of Political Obedience in the Indian State’ by Spear.
  10. Reprint from Bengal, Past and Present, 1960, ‘Lord Lytton and the Indian Civil Service; some new evidence from the Lytton-Stephen Correspondence’.
  11. Journal of the South Seas Society, June, 1959, ‘Lord Macartney and the Viceroy of Canton: January, 1794’, by Alastair Lamb.
  12. The Cambridge Journal, October, 1951.
  13. Reprint of ‘Authorship of the Education Despatch of 1854’ by Prashanto K. Chatterjee.
  14. Reprint from Dictionary of National Biography, ‘Gangopadhyay, Dwarakanath’ [Prashanto K. Chatterjee?].
  15. Papers on Southeast Asian Subjects, no. 5 ‘Chandi Bukit Batu Pahat, Three Additional Notes’ by Alastair Lamb.
  16. Leaflet ‘Notes and Queries’ July 1961.
  17. Reprint ‘Unrest in Northern India During the Viceroyalty of Lord Mayo, 1869-72, the Background to Lord Northbrook’s Inactivity’ by G.R.G. Hambly, 1961.
  18. Reprint from International Journal, 1962, ‘Neutralism: An Analysis’ by Michael Brecher.
  19. Reprint, 1960, ‘Traditional Culture and Modern Developments in India’ by W. Norman Brown, University of Pennsylvania.
  20. Reprint, 1962, ‘British Society in Guntur During the Early Nineteenth Century’ by Robert Eric Frykenberg.
  21. Reprint “Chapter three” ‘The Political Evolution of Pakistan: a Study in Analysis’ by Spear.
  22. 12 photographic copies of plates (plus index) in “Sketches in Scinde” – ‘from drawings by Lieut. Wm. Edwards, 86th Regt., 1846’.
  23. Reprint, 1961, ‘The Content of Cultural Continuity in India’ by W. Norman Brown.
  24. Journal of Commonwealth Political Studies, vol. 1, no. 2, May 1962.
  25. ‘Arte Dell’India Musulmana E Correnti Moderne’ by Hermann Goetz, 1962.