Archive / Papers / Spear Papers: Box 1


A collection of pamphlets, offprints, etc.

  1. Government of India, Ministry of Law. The law relating to Hindu succession. New Delhi, 1956.
  2. Government of India, Ministry of Law. The law relating to Hindu marriages. New Delhi, 1956.
  3. Government of India, Ministry of Law. The Hindu Adoptions and Maintenance Act, 1956. New Delhi, 1957.
  4. Government of India, Ministry of Law. The Hindu Marriage Act, 1955. New Delhi, 1956.
  5. Indian Acts. The Hindu Succession Act, 1956. No. 30 of 1956.
  6. Indian Acts. The Hindu Minority and Guardianship Act, 1956. No. 32 of 1956.
  7. Central Office of Information (U.K.). Fact sheets on the Commonwealth. 1963.
  8. Brijen K. Gupta. ‘The actual English losses in the fall of Calcutta in 1756’. English Historical Review, 1960.
  9. Women’s Voluntary Services India. Through victory to freedom. Madras, 1945.
  10. E.N. Spear. Light over Kisma. London, Church Missionary Society, 1951.
  11. The Anglican Church in Delhi, 1852-1952. Delhi, [n.d.].
  12. Radcliffe, Lord. Sir Henry Lawrence. Centenary address delivered in the Common Hall of Magee University College, Londonderry, 8 November 1957. Foyle College Old Boys’ Association. [-1958].
  13. Khalsa College, Amritsar, Sikh History Research Department. Annual report 1963-64. Amritsar, [n.d.].
  14. By one who has served under Sir Charles Napier. The mutiny of the Bengal Army: an historical narrative. London, Bosworth and Harrison, 1857.
  15. P. Spear. ‘The position of the Muslims, before and after partition’ (Maratha translation). From India and Ceylon: unity and diversity edited by Philip Mason.
  16. R.J. Marshall. ‘A free though conquering people’: Britain and Asia in the eighteenth century. An inaugural lecture in the Rhodes Chair of Imperial History delivered at King’s College, London on Thursday, 5 March 1981.
  17. British Information Services. The Khmer republic. London, Central Office of Information, 1971.
  18. Y.B. Mathur. ‘The Khaksar movement’. Reprinted from: Studies in Islam. New Delhi, 1969.
  19. Stephen N. Hay. Jain influences on Gandhi’s early thought. Between two worlds: Gandhi’s first impressions of British culture. Ethical politics: Gandhi’s meaning for our time. Berkeley, California, Center for South and Southeast Asia Studies, University of California, [n.d.].
  20. Eric Stokes. ‘”The voice of the hooligan”: Kipling and the Commonwealth experience’. An Inaugural Lecture by the Smuts Professor of the History of the British Commonwealth in the University of Cambridge. Reprinted from: Historical perspectives: studies in English thought and society in honour of J.H. Plumb. London, Europa Publications, 1974.
  21. Anthony King. The bungalow. Parts 1 and 2.
  22. S.C. Sarkar. Hindusthan year-book 1934. Calcutta, M.C. Sarkar & Sons Ld, 1934.
  23. Athar Ali. The Mughal Empire in history [A Presidential address to the Section on medieval India at the 1972 Indian History Congress.] [n.d.] Includes a carbon of a letter from Dr Spear to Dr Athar Ali, dated 19 February 1973, commenting on the address.
  24. Edward Ingram. ‘An aspiring buffer state: Anglo-Persian relations in the Third Coalition, 1804-1807’. Cambridge, The Historical Journal, XVI, 3 (1973), pp. 509-533.
  25. M.A. Rahim. ‘An immature plan of the abortive rising of 1857’. Reprinted from University Studies, Vol. 1, No. l (April 1964), pp. 36-45.
  26. Y.B. Mathur. ‘Religious disturbances in India’. Reprinted from Studies in Islam. New Delhi, January-October 1971.
  27. F.J. Western. ‘The early history of the Cambridge Mission to Delhi’. Typescript, 1950.
  28. John Rosselli. ‘An Indian Governor in the Norfolk marshland: Lord William Bentinck as improver, 1809-27’. Reprinted from The Agricultural History Review, Vol. 19, Part 1 (1971). The British Agricultural History Society, 1971.
  29. Kenneth W. Jones. ‘Ham Hindu Nahin: Arya-Sikh relations, 1877-1905’. Reprinted from: Journal of Asian Studies, Volume XXXII, No. 3, (May 1973).
  30. E.I.J. Rosenthal. ‘The role of Islam in the modern national state’. Reprinted from The year book of world affairs 1962, Vol. 16. London, The London Institute of World Affairs, 1962.
  31. Abdul Hamid. ‘Renaissance in Indo-Pakistan: Sir Sayyid Ahmad Khan as a politician, historian and reformist’. Reprinted from: M.M. Sharif. A history of Muslim philosophy with short accounts of other disciplines and the modern renaissance in Muslim lands, Vol. 2. Wiesbaden, Otto Harrassowitz, [1966].
  32. Report of the Land Reforms Commission for West Pakistan, January 1959. Lahore, Government Printing, West Pakistan, 1959.
  33. India. Central Advisory Board of Education. Draft post-war educational development in India. Report, January 1944. Simla, Government of India Press, 1943.
  34. Michael Brecher. ‘Succession in India 1967. The routinization of political change’. Reprinted from Asian Survey, Vol. VII, No. 7, (July 1967).
  35. Dewitt Clinton Ellinwood, Jr. ‘The Round Table movement and India, 1909-1920’. Offprint from: Journal of Commonwealth Political Studies, Vol. IX, No. 3, (1971).
  36. W.G. Orr. ‘Armed religious ascetics in Northern India’. Reprinted from the Bulletin of the John Rylands Library, Vol. 24, No. I, (April 1940).
  37. Publications Division, Government of India. 5,000 years of Indian architecture. New Delhi, 1951.
  38. A brief history of The Statesman (with which The Friend of India is incorporated). Calcutta, New Delhi, The Statesman, 1947.
  39. J. Burton-Page. ‘Leadership and national consciousness through the monuments of India’s past’. Discussion paper, Leadership in South Asia seminar series, Centre of South Asian Studies, S.O.A.S., 18 May 1972.
  40. Pamphlet: National Harmony, by Percival Spear. No.38 As 6 Oxford Pamphlets on Indian Affairs 1946. 32pp.
  41. Memorandum on the basis and structure of Indian Government, by P. Spear. Printed at the Cambridge printing works, Delhi. 21.1.40. 19pp.
  42. Privately printed paper and privately circulated early in 1932 after the breach between Lord Willingdon’s government and the Congress led by Mahatma Gandhi. 18pp. 4 copies, (a) to (d):-
    • The break
    • Causes of the break
    • The Conflict
    • The Government’s Policy
    • The Alternative
  43. Speech written for Sir Syed Sultan Ahmad when he was Information & Broadcasting Member on the Government of India, and T.G.P Spear was Deputy Secretary, at the Publicity Advisory Conference on March 11-12, 1944. 6pp.
  44. A TS paper entitled, Stern daughter of the Voice of God: ideas of duty among the British in India, written in 1975.