Archive / Papers / McGill Papers


Small Collections Box 16

Given by Mrs L. Brander. Copyright reserved by Mrs Brander.

Letter from Alexander McGill describing a journey from Ireland to Jullunder in 1868. 16 ff.

Letter in the form of a diary describing a journey from the Curragh Camp in Ireland to Jallunder (Jullundur). The writer was evidently a noncommissioned officer in charge of the band, which had to perform regularly throughout the journey which lasted from 25 January 1868 until 30 March 1868. H.M.S. Crocodile from Cork to Alexandria via Malta. Then by train to Suez where they boarded R.M.S. Malabar for Bombay where they arrived on 26 February. A further sea voyage brought them to Kurrachee (Karachi) on 7 March. From there they went by train and steamer up the Indus and then by train again, arriving at Jallunder (Jullundur) on 30 March 1868.

The diary contains descriptions of life on the journey and of the countryside and towns and villages they passed through. Also the sickness and deaths among the company – they lost 21 men, 5 women and 43 children on the journey.