Archive / Papers / Dunn Papers: Box 1


  1. Indian Coinage Act 1906. (III of 1906) as modified up to 15 March 1921. Government of India Legislative Department. Calcutta … 1925. (With notes by C.W.D.)
  2. Indian Paper Currency Act. (X of 1923). Passed by the Indian Legislature. Received assent 5 March 1923.
  3. Report of the Controller of the Currency for the year 1923-24 by A.V.V. Aiyar, C.I.E. Calcutta … 1925.
  4. Report of the Controller of the Currency for the year 1924-25 by H. Denning, I.C.S. Calcutta … 1925.
  5. Report of the Royal Commission on Indian Currency and Finance. Vol. I. Calcutta … 1926. (Included are two newspaper cuttings from The Rangoon Gazette Wednesday and Thursday 4 and 5 August 1926 reporting on the Report of the Royal Commission).
  6. First Interim Report on Banking and Currency by the Banking Commission 1926. Dublin 1926.
  7. Manual of Business and Procedure in the Legislative Assembly: prepared in the Legislative Assembly Department of the Government of India for the use of Members of the Assembly, 1930. 4th ed. Calcutta 1930.
  8. Imperial Economic Conference at Ottawa 1932. Summary of Proceedings and copies of Trade Agreements. London, 1932.
  9. Report of the Federal Finance Committee 1932. Calcutta … 1932.
  10. List of Members of the Legislative Assembly (showing permanent addresses). (17 December 1932).
  11. List of Members of the Legislative Assembly (showing Delhi addresses) (24 November 1932).