Archive / Papers / Darling, Sir M.L. Papers: Box 55


Papers of Sir Malcolm Lyall Darling, I.C.S. Assistant Commissioner, Punjab 1904; Tutor and Guardian to His Highness the Raja of Dewas 1907; Financial Commissioner, Punjab 1936.

Research notes on cooperation and cooperative societies:

  1. A selection of notes made in the latter half of the 1930’s while touring the provinces to write special reports on the Co-operative movement in each, for the Reserve Bank.
India (including Punjab); Notes of visits to villages; notes for second edition of Rhus Loquitor ; interest rates and credit notes; interviews with Sir John Anderson. 
Photographs of an oil mill; a dhobi. 
Envelope containing notes of economic facts etc., kept during the ride which culminated in At Freedom’s Door. 
TS notes on The Punjab, dated January 1954.
  3. Notes on Punjab, and consolidation of holdings; (also includes Switzerland); photographs .(including the plates) of plan of village before and after consolidation; photographs of Syrian village plans.
  4. Occasional papers issued by the Plunkett Foundation for Co-operative Studies, Nos. 13, 16, 17, 19, 21, 22, 34 1957-68 relating to European countries and the U.K.