Archive / Papers / Barton, R.G. Papers


Richard (Dick) Barton, researcher into tea production in Assam and founder of the Jokai tea planter’s association. Papers collected during research into tea production in North East India. 1 file, 1872-1955.

Small Collection Box 2

  1. History of the Jokai group of tea estates, written by R.G. Barton for the website he created and managed
  2. ‘C.T.C. diagram and notes, Amgoorie Tea Estates’, by F.G. Johnson, 1956. Diagrams and description of modifications made to C.T.C. tea processing machinery which was pioneered at the Amgoorie Tea Estate in the 1930s – known as the McKercher C.T.C. machine.
  3. ‘Eriabari’. TS account, written by ‘R.W.P.’, of the history of the founding of Ariabari and Tippuk tea estates.
  4. TS copy of an account by Richard Palmer given in a letter sent to R.G. Barton, describing the events and effects of the earthquake in N.E. India on 15 August 1950. Particular detail of the afternath on various tea estates in the district.
  5. ‘Medical notes’. TS notes made by R.G. Barton about doctors and medical care provided over the years on the Jokai tea estates.
  6. ‘Copy of the late J.W. Tweedie’s notes concerning the Jokai Tea Company’. TS history of the company.
  7. ‘Notes by R.W. Palmer on some of the notables mentioned by J.W. Tweedie’. TS commentary on those mentioned in item 1.6 above.
  8. TS notes on a visit to the Panitola Estate (the largest of the estates in the current Jokai group), made by R.G. Barton.
  9. ‘Man-eating tigress’. TS copy of an account written by Enid Collins of an encounter with a tiger which had been attacking staff at her tea estate.