
Medd Papers: Box 4

  1. Maps (cont.)
  2. TS paper written for the Illustrated Weekly of India, 11 April 1971. Outline of Mr. Medd’s life, particularly his architectural work in India, from 1919-1947. 7pp.
  3. TS script of broadcast talk written to mark Sir Edwin Lutyens’ centenerary. Recorded at B.B.C. on 31 December 1968, broadcast on All-India radio 29 March 1969. Concerns building of New Delhi: Assessment of Lutyens’ achievement in India. 6pp.
  4. a&b TS ‘New Delhi’: A Paper read before the Art Workers’ Guild on 15 March 1957. Historical background of the city. How New Delhi came into being. Lutyens’ work, 1912-1931. Sir Herbert Baker. Details of plan of the city. Brief history of developments since 1931. 11pp. Two copies. 3a. Master copy with MS notes, and notes of slides. 3b. Copy.
  5. Article from Journal of the Royal Society of Arts, June 1971: ‘The Ninth Delhi’ by Patwant Singh Includes discussion which took place after the lecture. Remarks and questions by Mr. Medd and others. (pp.461-475).
  6. Page from the Illustrated London News, 18 April 1914, on excavations at Taxila.
  7. Page from Fetcham Parish Magazine, July 1928, with an appreciation of Mr. Medd’s mother – died 5 June. 1928.
  8. Correspondence about a painting for the New Delhi Church of the Redemption between Viceroy’s secretary, Mr. Medd and Lord Crawford and Balcarres.
  9. Notebook containing salient dates in the history of India, and brief notes on principal architectural sites. 21pp.
  10. Four sheets of principal dates relating to the Indus Civilisations. Notes on Indian art. 12pp.
  11. The form and order of the laying of the foundation stone of the Church of the Parish of New Delhi by R.E. the Viceroy on 23 February 1927. (Church of the Redemption) 8pp.
  12. Directions for those taking part in the procession. 3pp.
  13. Odd envelope.
  14. Medd’s letter, and other correspondence in The Times relating to the Westminster Hospital site November 1950. 14pp.
  15. Letter to and from The Statesman, Calcutta about publication of table of temperatures and rainfall, 4 August 1953. 2pp.
  16. Extract from Journal of Bombay Natural History Society on ‘Jumping Snakes’ by Mr. Medd.
  17. Correspondence with Central Asian Society about photographs of Civil engineering and public works in India, constructed by the British, November 1957. 3pp.
  18. File containing:
  19. Memorial service sheet for F.T. Brigstocke, and Parish Magazine for St. Peter’s Church, Carmarthen. February/March 1960.
  20. Catalogue list of Oriental miniatures, the property of Mr. Medd, sold at Sothebys, 11 December 1961.
  21. a&b Correspondence about obituary in R.I.B.A. journal of Walter Sykes George. March 1962. 3pp.
  22. Offprint from the Journal of the Royal Society of Arts of the Birdwood Memorial lecture given by Profesaor Benjamin Rowland on The World’s Image in Indian Architecture, 11 June 1964. (pp.795-809)
  23. Copy of letter from Mr. Moloy Roy, and Medd’s reply to the Statesman, Calcutta, about replacement of King George V’s statue in New Delhi, August 1964. 2pp. (see also item 24 and GRAY, Lt. Col.)
  24. Correspondence about the addition of a porch to Painswick Church, Glos. 7pp.
  25. Correspondence between, Mr. Medd and the Comptroller to H.M. Queen Elizabeth, the Queen Mother, about the tree in The Mall which obscured the statue of King George VI. August/September 1968.
  26. Envelope containing five photographs relating.
  27. Correspondence relating to the Gurkha Brigade Museum, and R.T. Russell, 1968-72. 7pp.
  28. Copy of The Statesman Weekly, 13 July 1968, with pictures of the dismantling of King George V’s statue from the India Gate, New Delhi.
  29. Extract from letter pages of Country Life relating to the statue.
  30. Copy of letter to The Times about the Whitehall Scheme (architectural) 5 January 1970. 2pp.
  31. Copy of letter to The Times about demolishing Bath,. 5 September 1970. 2pp.
  32. Copy of printed article in The Illustrated Weekly of India on ‘What India has meant to me’ (one of a series) by H.A.N. Medd, and correspondence. December 1970 – January 1971. (2pp. of page 1). lp.
  33. Letter to editor of Country Life, 21 January 1972.
  34. Papers relating to the printing of the covers for the Newsletter of the Friends of Delhi Diocese, including Medd’s original black and white ink drawing.
  35. Correspondence relating to Gibberd’s design for the Coutts Bank site in the Strand. 1972-73. 5pp.
  36. Letter from S. Alam Shah, Karachi., 25 November 1974.
  37. Correspondence relating to carving and later mending Mr. Medd’s mother’s gravestone in Cirencester Cemetery, 1968-1975.
  38. The Cathedral Fete Brochure, Near Delhi, 1976, with article on The Story of the Building of our Cathedral Church.
  39. Correspondence with the Victoria and Albert Museum about the back of the Nepalese prabha sold by Mr. Medd to the Museum. 2pp. 1 photo.
  40. Correspondence about the source of the Thames; Country Life 1976. 3pp and map.
  41. Envelope containing letter to Mrs. Medd and two photographs of the Lych gate at Hazelhury Bryan, Near Sturminster Newton, designed by Mr. Medd, November 1977.
  42. Papers relating to the prints made from Meredith Frampton’s portrait of Sir Edwin Lutyens 1977. (Lawrence Josset A.R.C.A.) including two photographs of the portrait.
  43. TS article on lecture on ‘The Daniells in India’ by H.A.N. Medd, n.d., with a photograph of the portrait of Thomas Daniell by D. Wilkie, Tate Gallery. 14pp.
  44. Envelope containing papers on the Cathedral Church of the Redempton, Near Delhi. Pen and ink sketch. of Bishop’s throne, TLS article 26 June 1959, mentioning Medd. Letter about repairs to the tower of the Cathedral 20 May 1973.
  45. TS Short article on the history of the church (2pp.) and copy.
  46. TS another of the finished article. 11pp.
  47. Obituaries and biographies written by Mr. H.A.N. Medd, of:
  48. Envelope containing:
  49. Pamphlet on Brotherhood of the Ascension, New Delhi.
  50. Summer News letter 1974 of The Cathedral Church of the Redemption, New Delhi, also Christmas 1974.
  51. The Cathedral Church of the Redemption, Near Delhi.

Medd Papers: Box 3

  1. T.A. Wellstead. ‘Notes on the Vekatakas of the Central Provinces and Berar.’ Offprint from Journal and Proceedings, Asiatic Society of Bengal 1933, No. 1 pp. 159-166, 9 plates.
  2. Central Provinces and Berar. Brochure prepared for Officers and N.C.Os., September 1943 29 pp.
  3. D Sahni, Guide to the Buddhist ruins of Sarnath. (Calcutta, 1911) 23 pp., map.
  4. S. Rocco. Golconda and the Qutb Shahs. (Lahore, 1920) 54 pp., plan.
  5. Maps. Survey of India (various editions):

Medd Papers: Box 2

  1. ‘An exhibition of Islamic art in India of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries.’ By Basil Green. Typescript, n.d. 3 ff.
  2. ‘Lutyens. The work of Sir Edwin Lutyens 1869-1944. Hayward Gallery 18 November – 31 January 1982. Press cuttings.’ 20 ff.
  3. Autobiographical essay by Mr Medd. 7 ff.
  4. Letter, dated 12 March 1982 from the Arts Council to Mrs Medd thanking her for her help with the Hayward Gallery exhibition. 1 f.
  5. Paper read before the Art Workers Guild on 15 March 1957 by Mr Medd entitled ‘New Delhi.’ Xerox of typescript 11 ff.

Medd Papers: Box 1

Donated by H.A.N. Medd, O.B.E., F.R.I.B.A.

  1. TS Paper written for the Illustrated Weekly of India, 11 April 1971. Outline of Mr. Medd’s life, particularly his architectural work in India, from 1919-1947. 7pp
  2. TS Paper to mark centenary of birth of Sir Edwin Lutyens, on 29 March, 1869. Recorded at B.B.C. en 31 December, 1968, broadcast on All-India radio, 23 March, 1969. Concerns building of New Delhi: Assessment of Lutyens’ achievement in India. 6pp.
  3. TS New Delhi: A paper read before the Art Workers’ Guild on 15 March, 1957. Historical background of the city: how New Delhi came into being: Lutyens’ work, 1912-1931: Sir Herbert Baker: details of plan of the city: brief history of developments since 1931. 11 pp.
  4. Article from Journal of the Royal Society of Arts, June 1971. The Ninth Delhi, by Patwant Singh. Includes discussion which took place after the lecture. Remarks and questions by Mr. Medd and others. (pp.461-475).