
Goadby Papers: Box 2

  1. Notes on Waziriforce 1921/23. 7 ff.
  2. Letter dated 28 June 1981. Notes on Bihar disturbances 1946/7.4 ff.
  3. File of papers dealing with Mr Goadby’s army service. Details of decorations, promotions, confidential reports, examination results, 1921-48. 55 ff.
  4. Parade No. 206, Volume 16, 22 July 1944.19 pp.
  5. Signals Association membership card.
  6. 5 field notebooks 1926-47.
  7. Notebook 1918: Notes on gas.
  8. Army Publications:
  9. Instructions on wiring, 1917.
  10. Notes on trench warfare, 1917.
  11. Notes on trench warfare (revised diagrams) 1917.
  12. The division in attack, 1918.
  13. Army orders, January 1932.
  14. Souvenir brochure 3rd Battalion Brigade of Guards bicentenary and reunion 1975.
  15. Diary of visits to India by Mr Goadby in 1975, 1978 and 1984.

Goadby Papers: Box 1

  1. MS book bound: Scraps from Ceylon illustrating the full dress costumes of its inhabitants, their religious observances and the principal industries (foreign and native) by John Leonard Ralenberg Van Dort. Colombo, Ceylon, 1894. The book consists of handwritten copperplate text in blue ink on left hand page, and illustrations on the right hand page. There are 15 pages of illustrations depicting things seen on the island – people, places, crafts, etc. The small pictures are chalk and paint, and are beautifully executed and very charming. The text is explanatory. There is a letter inside the book dated 23 March 1911 from the daughter of J.L.R. van Dort (Grace van Dort), relating to publication.
  2. 1978 Visitors’ Book, Colaba House.
  3. Papers found in book given by Brigadier Goadby:
  4. Two letters from the Secretary of the United Services Institution for India, Simla about projected trip to Sikkim.
  5. Article: ‘A nature-lover’s paradise’, by Dorothy L. Tanner.
  6. 4pp. scribbled notes.
  7. Various official papers connected with entry, touring, etc. in Sikkim and Tibet.
  8. Maps.
  9. Two account books, containing bills etc. 1939-41
  10. Newspaper cutting – profile of Brigadier Goadby, The Oxford Times, 1956.
  11. Christmas cards.
  12. 42 letters, from Brigadier Goadby and Mrs. Goadby to his mother from 5 January 1941 to 1 December 1945 and March/April 1949. Poona, Delhi, Bangalore, H.Q. India Command, Sikkhim, S.E.A.C., Rawalpindi, etc. The letters relate to life during the war as far as censorship allowed. 87pp. and envelopes.
  13. Lists of birds seen in various. parts of India 1940-48: Carignano, Delhi, Taxila, Simla Hills, Bangalore, Comilla, E. Bengal, Nilgiris, Krishnarajsagar, Sikkhim, Calcutta:, Dinapore, Panagarh, Fort William, Kutch. 2pp.
  14. Printed extract (pp.69-91) from the “Gazette of India” Extraordinary. Army Dept. 27 February 1924, being a despatch by H.E. General Lord Rawlinson of Trent, C. in C. India on the operations of the Waziristan Force 1 January 1922-22 April 1923.
  15. Another copy (pp.401-418) 18 November 1924.
  16. Special Station Orders by Lt. Col. A.S. Auret, Commanding Razani Line, Razani 1 July 1929. 12pp.
  17. TS page on History of Fort William.
  18. Newspaper photograph of Lord Wavell after the Bihar disturbances; Brigadier Goadby in photograph 13 November 1946.
  19. H.Q. Bombay Sub-Area Location Statement, No.18 1948, by Major Haripal Singh. Appendix A. 6pp. 7 February 1948.
  20. Orders: All Units – Preparation of Court Martial Cases and reference to D.J.A.G. for Pre-trial Advice. 22 April 1948. 2pp.
  21. Handing-over notes by Major General (sic) F.R.L. Goadby, O.B.E., Calcutta, 25 April 1948. 9pp.
  22. Handing-over notes by Brigadier D.S. Brar, O.B.E., H.Q. Bombay SubArea, 3 May 1948. 9pp.
  23. Single sheet of Times of India, Bombay, Tuesday, 23 November 1948 on the devastation of the cyclone of 20/21 November.
  24. Handing-over notes by Brigadier F.R.L. Goadby, Bombay, 30 December 1948. 11pp.