
Dash Papers: Box 6

  1. Three volumes of TS entitled Imperial Miscellany, I-III. Articles, comments and observations by Sir Arthur Dash on a variety of topics, political, economic and social, including a number about India.
  2. Bound pamphlet: The Noakhali Case: Mr. Pennell’s Judgment, 15 February 1901. (Circumstances of the gift pasted in the front cover).
  3. Book: Baig, Tara Ali: The moon in Rahu: an account of the Bhowal Sannyasi Case. London, Asia Publishing House, 1968.
  4. Mackenzie, C.F. Zelia: The Fair Maid of Cabul … (in six cantos). London 1850.
  5. An Indian Police Case: an account of a trial in the Bengal Presidency taken down by Sir Arthur Dash who was a spectator. No date, but the fly leaf bears Sir Arthur’s signature, and the place name Comilla, date 5 November 1923. TS., 9pp. bound.

Dash Papers: Boxes 2-5

  1. ‘Memoirs: a Bengal diary,’ by A.J. Dash. Eleven volumes, TS bound, covering the years 1910-1951.
  2. TS copies of ‘The First Subdivision’ and ‘The Second Subdivision’ by Sir Arthur Dash together with TS copy of review by George Ratcliff and correspondence about the reviews etc. May-September 1970.
  3. Four photographs of cremation ceremony of Burmese Buddhist priest c. 1912.
  4. Thirty-one photographs of Naga and Chin tribes.
  5. ‘Report on Provincial Public Services Commissions’ by A.J. Dash.

Dash Papers: Box 1

  1. Articles:
  2. Note given by Sir Henry Twynam to Sir John Wheeler-Bennett, K.C.V.O., C.M.G. O.B.E., who was writing a life of Sir John Anderson when Twynam was Chief Secretary of the Government of Bengal, written in 1960.
  3. Two companion maps to the Darjeeling District Gazetteer, 1947.