Darling, M.L.

Darling, Sir M.L. Papers: Box 70

Papers of Sir Malcolm Lyall Darling, I.C.S. Assistant Commissioner, Punjab 1904; Tutor and Guardian to His Highness the Raja of Dewas 1907; Financial Commissioner, Punjab 1936.

Short stories by Jessica Darling; April Darling’s tour diary, 1946-7:

  1. Four short stories by Jessica Darling
  2. Diary kept by April Darling (MLD’s daughter – later Mme April van Biervliet d’Oeuverbrook) on a journey on horseback with her husband and her father from Peshawar to Jubbulpore, November 1946 to March 1947.

Darling, Sir M.L. Papers: Box 69

Papers of Sir Malcolm Lyall Darling, I.C.S. Assistant Commissioner, Punjab 1904; Tutor and Guardian to His Highness the Raja of Dewas 1907; Financial Commissioner, Punjab 1936.

Correspondence relating to MLD’s publications:

  1. Correspondence with Oxford University Press, 1921-1935, about the publication of The Punjab peasant, Rusticus Loquitur, Wisdom and waste
  2. Carbon copies of sections of Apprentice to power
  3. Correspondence relating to Apprentice to power
  4. Letters about Wisdom and waste, 1934, 1957; miscellaneous letters – list enclosed
  5. Unpublished manuscript, ‘The memos’. Includes a list of letters referenced in the text.

Darling, Sir M.L. Papers: Box 68

Papers of Sir Malcolm Lyall Darling, I.C.S. Assistant Commissioner, Punjab 1904; Tutor and Guardian to His Highness the Raja of Dewas 1907; Financial Commissioner, Punjab 1936.

Correspondence of MLD’s son, Colin Darling.

Darling, Sir M.L. Papers: Box 67

Papers of Sir Malcolm Lyall Darling, I.C.S. Assistant Commissioner, Punjab 1904; Tutor and Guardian to His Highness the Raja of Dewas 1907; Financial Commissioner, Punjab 1936.

Stories and articles written by Jessica Darling:

  1. Jessica Darling’s articles and short story, ‘Bombay to London’
  2. Further stories by Jessica Darling
  3. Jessica Darling: articles on Dalhousie, Russia and India, Nicholas II and Bolshevism


Darling, Sir M.L. Papers: Box 66

Papers of Sir Malcolm Lyall Darling, I.C.S. Assistant Commissioner, Punjab 1904; Tutor and Guardian to His Highness the Raja of Dewas 1907; Financial Commissioner, Punjab 1936.

Addresses and speeches about MLD, papers relating to MLD’s life and career:

  1. Copies of addresses in praise of MLD
  2. Speech by Beant Singh about MLD
  3. Personal references, 1908-1954; I.C.S. examination marks
  4. Appointments and offers of appointments, 1908-1945
  5. Personal notes: ‘Things peculiarly Indian’
  6. Correspondence with notable figures: Linlithgow, Windt, Laithwaite, Amery, Hailey, Bolitho, Jenkins, 1936-1957
  7. Papers relating to a complaint made against MLD, Amritsar, 1919
  8. Awards, honours and obituaries.

Darling, Sir M.L. Papers: Box 65

Papers of Sir Malcolm Lyall Darling, I.C.S. Assistant Commissioner, Punjab 1904; Tutor and Guardian to His Highness the Raja of Dewas 1907; Financial Commissioner, Punjab 1936.

Letters written during MLD’s time in Dewas, 1906-1908:

  1. MLD’s letters to Margaret from Dewas, 1907.
  2. MLD’s letters to his mother and sister from Dewas, 1907-1908.
  3. Letters from MLD’s ‘Grand Tour of India’ with the Maharaja of Dewas.


Darling, Sir M.L. Papers: Box 64

Papers of Sir Malcolm Lyall Darling, I.C.S. Assistant Commissioner, Punjab 1904; Tutor and Guardian to His Highness the Raja of Dewas 1907; Financial Commissioner, Punjab 1936.

Papers relating to MLD’s time in Dewas and to controversies in the ruling family, 1920s, 1930s; personal correspondence with the Maharajah:

‘Dewas Papers: folder A’. Personal documents relating to the flight of the Yuvraj of Dewas in 1927, following controversy in the court about the status of his new wife.

‘Dewas Papers: folder B’. Letters and notes relating to the ruling family of Dewas, letters between MLD and the Maharaja, 1960s.

‘Dewas Papers: folder C’. News reports and correspondence relating to the controversy surrounding the flight of the Yuvraj of Dewas in 1927; letters to E.M. Forster.

‘Dewas dossier’. Further papers related to events in folders 1, 2 and 3 above.

Tukojirao Puar’s letters to MLD, 1906-1908.



Darling, Sir M.L. Papers: Box 63

Papers of Sir Malcolm Lyall Darling, I.C.S. Assistant Commissioner, Punjab 1904; Tutor and Guardian to His Highness the Raja of Dewas 1907; Financial Commissioner, Punjab 1936.

Assorted publications on agriculture and cooperative farming:

Collection of pamphlets, reports, books and journals related to agricultural methods and cooperative farming in South and Southeast Asia.

Darling, Sir M.L. Papers: Box 62

Papers of Sir Malcolm Lyall Darling, I.C.S. Assistant Commissioner, Punjab 1904; Tutor and Guardian to His Highness the Raja of Dewas 1907; Financial Commissioner, Punjab 1936.

Reports and notes on cooperative societies; Reserve Bank of India reports:

  1. Darling, M.L., Report on certain aspects of co-operative movement in India, Government of India Planning Commission, New Delhi, 1957 with reviews and reports.
  2. Folder containing the contents of an envelope marked as ‘Training and teaching’, with notes and minutes relating to the training of co-operative farm staff.
  3.  Notes and statistics taken from responses to a questionnaire about co-operative societies in Andhra Pradesh, Assam, Bihar, Bombay, Kerala, Madras, Orissa, Rajasthan and West Bengal.
  4. Full responses to questionnaire mentioned in 3, above.
  5. The Punjab Co-operative Societies Act, 1954 (Punjab Act No XIV of 1955); papers relating to the foundation and organisation of cooperative societies in Punjab.
  6. Reserve Bank of India papers and reports on cooperative society credit and financial arrangements.
  7. Reports into larger co-operative societies and cooperative planning.
  8. ‘Appendix A: Short notes on the states visited’ – document with statistical details and report on states visited uring a research tour; papers disscussing changes in the syllabus for training.

Darling, Sir M.L. Papers: Box 61

Papers of Sir Malcolm Lyall Darling, I.C.S. Assistant Commissioner, Punjab 1904; Tutor and Guardian to His Highness the Raja of Dewas 1907; Financial Commissioner, Punjab 1936.

Official reports, including International Labour Organisation reports on cooperative societies:

  1. Folder containing documents originally held in an envelope marked ‘I.L.O. preliminary report’
  2. Folder containing documents originally held in an envelope marked ‘I.L.O.: The Report’
  3. Folder containing documents originally held in an envelope marked ‘Duplicate copy (uncorrected) of Ch. 2-5 and App. A. – I.L.O. report’
  4. Folder containing documents originally held in an envelope marked ‘Pakistan 1953-54: the final report’
  5. Report: ‘Integration of the cooperative movement with National Extension Service and community projects’
  6. Report: ‘Agricultural co-operation in England’
  7. ‘Report on the fifth I.F.A.P. study session on agricultural co-operation’
  8. Folder containing documents originally held in an envelope marked ‘The Horace Plunkett Foundation’