Betts, U.V.G.

U.V.G. Betts: Box 2

  1. Loose-leaf file containing notes on anthropology and folklore.
  2. Loose-leaf file containing 35 stories of Naga folklore.

U.V.G. Betts: Box 1

  1. TS Article entitled Tangkhul Naga Pottery making, 1939. 4 pp.
  2. TS Dissertation entitled Village Organization among the Central Nzemi Nagas. Notes collected intermittently from 1940-1946. 175 pp. Detailed anthropological survey of the area which contains the following headings: The village community; village administration; land tenure and cultivation cycle migration; village rituals.
  3. File containing vocabulary and grammar notes. (Zemi).
  4. TS and MS notes on certain non Naga sites in the Barail area, North Cachar Hills and traditions relating to them. Maps. 16 Sheets.
  5. File containing notes on various anthropological subjects including unpublished account of Tungkhul Naga burial ceremony and comment by the Kuki National Assembly on the pamphlet Cycle-migration of the Zemi-Nagas by Mrs. Betts.
  6. Folder containing typescript and MS copies of articles, drafts for the Naga Path etc. Copy of article published on the Nagas in Illustrated News of 28 August 1948

U.V.G. Betts: Microfilm (No. 49)

Diary kept while on tour in the Naga Hills, 14 November 1938 to 2 March 1939. Detail of work at dispensaries, village life, customs, dress etc.

Five field note books of a study of the Tangkhul Nagas. Notes collected between 1940 and 1946.

  1. Vocabulary, grammar and pronunciation.
  2. Marriage customs,games. The etiquette of names etc.
  3. Stories, customs and myths.
  4. Notes on ethnological specimens. Lists of foods eaten by people of different status.
  5. Customs relating to marriage, divorce, houses and cultivation etc.