Hunter Collection

Hunter Collection – Film 8

B&W. 4:24min. Meerut, Uttar Pradesh, India, 1928-1932. Film made by C. F. Hunter. ‘A Glimpse of India’ – ‘Sugar’. Scenes showing all stages of the sugar production, beginning with shots of cane growing. Mr Hunter presenting to the camera a piece of ‘ghoor’ a field of sugar canes; Indian men cutting sugar canes; transporting sugar canes by bullock carts or by hand; children and adults eating pieces from sugar canes; crushing sugar canes and collecting sugar juice in a bucket; boiling sugar juice in pans; Indian woman collecting dry sugar canes; Indian man showing a large piece of ‘ghoor’ packing ghoor for selling at the market. (film with intertitles)

Hunter Collection – Film 7

B&W. 4:10min. Meerut, Uttar Pradesh, India, 1928-1932. Film made by C. F. Hunter. ‘A Glimpse of India’, ‘Cotton’. Scenes showing production of cotton cloth. Close-up shots of raw cotton; Indian women picking cotton pods; donkeys carrying cotton bales; carts packed with cotton bales; scenes at a cotton ginning factory; men hand ginning cotton; ‘Spinning yarn on Mr Gandhi’s Charka’ men and women spinning cotton; man weaving cotton cloth (kaddar); (film with intertitles)

Hunter Collection – Film 6

B&W. 7:47min. Meerut, Uttar Pradesh, India, 1928-1932. Film made by C. F. Hunter. Scenes of road works showing all stages of road and bridge building. Loading mules with boulders from river; re-mettaling a road; tarring surface; mixing sand and cement; Indian women carrying pans of sand on their heads; men carrying bricks on head across river; carpenters at work; scenes of dismantiling an old bridge. (film with intertitles)

Hunter Collection – Film 5

B&W. 5:35min. Meerut, Uttar Pradesh, India, 1928-1932. Film made by C. F. Hunter. ‘A Glimpse of India’, ‘Country life’ (part two). Peasants cutting foliage for goats. Scenes of camels eating and of camel carriages. Camel train carrying wood. Ploughing with oxen; furrowing by hand; threshing with oxen driven by a child; winnowing with wind – grains in a basket. Crowds going to bathe in Ganges: Road scenes of people riding, ox-carts and donkeys.

Hunter Collection – Film 4

B&W. Haridwar, Uttarakhand, India. 1928-1932. Film made by C. F. Hunter. ‘A Glimpse of India’, ‘Country life’ (part one). Ganges canal; hardwar; canal scenes; diverted river as part of Ganges irrigation schemes; hydro-electric power station; irrigation systems with canals and wells; oxen operating a water-wheel; scenes of various wells; catlle used in transport and for ploughing; bulls fighting; men preparing maize stalks for feeding the cattle; washing cattle in river. (film with intertitles)

Hunter Collection – Film 3

B&W. 8:01min. Mussoorie, Uttarakhand, India, 1928-1932. Film made by C. F. Hunter. ‘A Glimpse of India’, ‘Home life ‘ (part three). Packing to set off to the hills; footage of journey across the hills. Mussoorie; unpacking the car; street scenes – bullock carts; crossing Ganges Canal; going up hill roads – mending road; Scenes of Mussorie; arriving in Mussoorie by rickshaw; hotel and street scenes; Frances writing on a small table on veranda; Indian woman knitting by the road side; rickshaw ride along the Mall; end intertitle for the ‘Home life ‘ films 
(film with intertitles).

Hunter Collection – Film 2

B&W. 6:51min. Meerut, Uttar Pradesh, India, 1928-1932. Film made by C. F. Hunter. ‘A Glimpse of India’, ‘Home life’ (part two). Frances Hunter on tricycle and bicycles; Hunters at home playing in garden; three European children arrive on ponies accompanied by scyce; lessons with Frances; irrigation scene at a well; mali and garden scenes; Scene of C. F. Hunter and bearer; the servants quarter by the bungalow; picnic by the canal. Dhobi wallahs doing laundry on a river bank; drying laundry in garden. (film with intertitles)

Hunter Collection – Film 1

B&W. 8:03min. Meerut, Uttar Pradesh, India, 1928-1932. Film made by C. F. Hunter. Opening intertitles: ‘A Glimpse of India ‘, ‘Home life ‘ (part one), ‘In the train nearing Meerut’. Meerut train station. Porterrr taking up luggage from passengers. Indian railway station scenes: outside station; getting into car. Driving home along the Mall; arrival at PWD bungalow. Frances Hunter introducing her dolls to the camera and playing with parents in garden. Grandparents reading on the veranda. Putting up tent. Bicycling to the front door; Frances and her parents playing. (film with captions)